A bit of a moment-of-truth today - I borrowed a chain off another 10-speed bike, draped it across the 46 tooth chainring, threaded it through the XTR derailleur, wrapped it around the 11-36 XTR cassette, Powerlocked the ends, and got to see 1x10 in action for the first time. As I've no tyres (the tubeless valves still haven't arrived at the shop) and no shifter cable yet, it was only a quick hand-cranked test spin, but shifting was quick and smooth, even at the extremities, with no audible complaints from anything, even when in 10th - fingers crossed everything looks and sounds just as sweet under load!
The borrowed chain was 110 links. However, according to the time-honoured method of determining the correct length by wrapping the chain around the biggest ring and biggest cog without going through the derailleur, and then adding two links, I should be OK with 108 links.
Here are a couple of photos, first with 110 links, then with 108 links. How might I learn from first trying 110 that it would be better not to proceed to 108? Or should I just get on with it and go straight to 108?
110 links - too long? |
108 links - too short? |
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